4 class

The haunted house.  Story.

We walked through the forest on a dark, dark night. 
The thunder went bang. Bob had a fright!
Bob ran through the trees as fast as he could. 
Into a house at the edge of the wood. 
We ran after Bob and into the hall. 
We shouted his name but heard nothing at all. 
“Bob, Bob!”
We looked in the kitchen and there was a snake, showing its fangs. What a noise we did make.
We looked in the bathroom. Do you know what we saw? 
Eight long legs in the bath, we were glad there weren’t more!
We looked in the study and saw a hard shell. What was inside it? 
A turtle! Well, well!
We looked in the lab and there was a cat and there on the table a horrible rat.
“Shut up!”
We looked here for hours and then we went home. 
We opened the door. There was Bob with a bone. 

Listen to this story  http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stor

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